Sometimes I`m just plain tired. Sometimes it seems that the day`s or week`s agenda is a bit too crazy. And sometimes it seems that the sticks, cards, ropes and other play toys just can`t stay in their boxes…….hence there you have it, life as a family, strewn about. If and when I think more critically about this, I fall to the trap of comparing our normal routines to that of the MCC utopian experience, which I like to describe as combining all the wonderful elements and positive experiences of MCC workers over decades and packaging it up into one family’s 3-year term…….certainly not realistic I know but hey, I`m still prone to dreaming.
HOWEVER, as a family serving with MCC in Chiapas, through our regular routines, conversations, and even one-off experiences, there is a particular dynamic that occurs in serving as a family unit. I deeply appreciate MCC`s vision and willingness to send families as volunteers. Yes it can open doors to understanding a new culture, and yes it closes doors too due to family committments and time constraints. And while in no way am I trying to compare the service of MCC workers who are single to those who are in immediate family situations, I wish to summarize a few thoughts and experiences that have significant meaning for us as a family. So, in no order of importance, here`s a smattering of photos and comments that reflect the more sublte side of our time to date as service workers.
Through a broader approach to our specific work assignments:
- Combining strengths….in this way everyone wins, and we have opportunities to expand our horizons and perspectives.
- We have to at times do things that could appear as chores, but also could appear as learning opportunities
- Sometimes we get some spoils!! and enjoy things we didn’t necessarily have to work for!!
Through community and church activities
- Taking part in children’s activities is a fun way to connect with other adults and revive our imaginative side
- We participate with the masses, in order to identify and better understand a people and culture we did not know before
- We worship in ways that are familiar in order to feed our spirits and maintain our vision.
- We try to lend a helping hand where and when needed, and we participate with our communities to help build a more just society and a healthier world.
Through participation in areas of interest and passion (recently, at a Kid’s Bible Camp)
- We step out at times to practice leading and facilitating, in an effort to learn, grow, share and contribute.
- We strive to care for the earth in a way that reflects Biblical values
- We open our hearts and make friends!
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