Author Archives: Rick

La Bienvenida

So after all the goodbyes the day arrived when the four of us returned to Canada, perhaps similar to our 8 suitcases – looking somewhat the same on the outside but full of many new things on the inside. We … Continue reading

Posted in September 2014 | Leave a comment

La Despedida

At times throughout our MCC term in Mexico I (Jacquie) would occasionally dream of life back in Canada – and yet as our return came nearer I felt an uncertainty about leaving what seemed like “home”. Don’t get me wrong; … Continue reading

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Acknowledging “Peace-Work”….

Greetings readers, After a long hiatus away from blog posts, I am finally getting around to posting about an event in which a community group that INESIN accompanies was recognized for its work – see below for the original write-up, … Continue reading

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Practicing “Agroecologia”

              According to wikipedia (english)….”Agroecology is the study of ecological processes that operate in agricultural production systems. The prefix agro- refers to agriculture. Bringing ecological principles to bear in agroecosystems can suggest novel management approaches that would not otherwise be considered. The term … Continue reading

Posted in October 2013 | 3 Comments

Link to the MCC Latin America Carribean (LACA) Advocacy Blog

Hello readers, I meant to do this earlier but forgot…. 😉 Below is the link to the LACA advocacy blog. I believe we had posted if many moons ago, but I (Rick) recently submitted a short perspective on the dynamic … Continue reading

Posted in August 2013, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

La Hora de Cafe

Coffee time. Its a part of the day for so many worldwide. The days that my work keeps me in the office at INESIN are usually punctuated with the toll of a bell at 11:30 am and the rich smell … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Queso Chihuahua and the Mennonite Tradition: a tasteful experience

Another MCC Mexico Team meeting, another long trip – by bus, taxi, metro, airplane and van – with a little walking required here and there. BUT this time we went north, way north to the the state of Chihuahua, known … Continue reading

Posted in February 2013 | 6 Comments

How do we expense this?

I would venture to guess that at some point during their service terms (or virtually throughout the majority of their terms!), all MCCers experience the blending between work life and personal life.  I believe too that most see this as … Continue reading

Posted in November 2012 | Leave a comment

A change of climate

Originally I had envisioned writing a blog post that played off the term “climate-change”, allowing the reader a brief moment to believe I would expound on the global woes manifest here in Mexico, yet in reality my intention would be … Continue reading

Posted in September 2012 | 1 Comment

Should we? Could we? Can we?

I like Dr. Suess – NOT ONLY because I have small children who love to have books read to them early in the morning and before getting all tucked in, AND NOT ONLY because Dr. Seuss himself was a master … Continue reading

Posted in June 2012 | 1 Comment